Wheelchairs, Wheelchair Lift, Wheelchair Ramps, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier,Indian Exporters
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Wheelchair is a mobility device in which a chair mounted on large wheels; for sick or disabled invalids or those who cannot walk. Wheelchairs come in many sizes and colors with wheelchair accessories that are highly customized for the individual user. Wheelchair accessories contains wheelchair lift, wheelchair ramps etc.

Wheelchairs are propelled either manually (manual wheelchairs) or electrically (electric wheelchairs). Manual wheelchairs are generally light weighed and less expensive than power, but more difficult to operate depending on individuals disability wheelchairs because manual wheelchairs are those that require human power to move them. There are three types of manual wheelchair: self-propelled, attendant-propelled, and wheelbase. Many manual wheelchairs can be folded for storage or placement into a vehicle, although modern wheelchairs are just as likely to be rigid framed.

electric wheelchairs are usually more expensive, but much easier for older and disabled people to operate. Electric wheelchairs or power wheelchairs use electric motors to move the wheels that are powered by the rechargeable batteries. The user typically controls the speed and direction by operating a joystick. Power wheelchairs may be designed specifically for indoor use, outdoor use, or both. Electric wheelchairs are generally prescribed for persons who have difficulty using a manual chair due to arm, hand, shoulder or more general disabling conditions, and do not have the leg strength to propel a manual chair with their feet. A person with full function of the arms and upper torso will generally be prescribed a manual chair, or find that their insurance will not cover a power wheelchair.

there are two main categories of wheelchair lift - wheelchair lifts for vehicles and wheelchair lifts for houses and other buildings. There are again two categories of vehicle wheelchair lifts - inside and outside. Most of the inside wheelchair lifts take up space inside the vehicle or in its trunk while little modification of vehicle is required for outside wheelchair lifts and installation is also easy and inexpensive.

Home wheelchair lifts come in three basic styles - inclined platform wheelchair lifts which are built to travel up stairways, vertical platform wheelchair lifts that go up and down like regular elevators and portable wheelchair lifts which may be electric, hydraulic, battery operated or even manually operated. The big advantages of portable wheelchair lifts are that they can be folded up and stored when not in use and they can be used for multiple locations.

Wheelchair ramps offer wheelchair users freedom if constructed properly. There are different types of wheelchair ramps depending on the need - permanent or semi-permanent wheelchair ramps (usually for buildings or public access) and portable wheelchair ramps (usually for vehicles or small obstacles such as doorway thresholds).

thus all models of this medical instrument are available with a range of accessories that ensures safety, stability, postural integrity and functional ability of the occupant.

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Wheelchairs, Wheelchair Lift, Wheelchair Ramps, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters