Varieties of fishes are found along the coast and people love to eat fish. The staple diet of the people living on the coast is fish and rice. Fishermen and women go in the sea for fishing using their prop as fish nets to hatch for varieties of fishes and in bulk amount. The very common ones are aquarium fish nets available in different sizes and re manufactured using high grade or quality wood, nylon material which does not harm the skin of the fish from the aquatic tank. Fishing net is also termed as the sapphire delivers the knot breaking length which combines the two major aspects which are knot breaking strength and twine runnage. Fish nets are formed by knotting system which uses a relatively thin thread which is known as twine. Twine which is composed by making one or two strands or yarns twisted together.The are various types of commercial fishing nets which includes gill nets which have weights on the bottom and floats on the top. These nets are placed perpendicular to the shore and can stretch to the miles. Pound nets are those nets which hang form the float from the top to the bottom. These are the ones which are used by the fisherman to collect the catch in bulk amounts. Salmon nets are made form orange material and are marked by water that sticks to the water. Drift nets are large nets that drift in water.
Chinese fishing nets talks a different story about the net which have originated form china. The nets are set up on the bamboo or on the teak poles and are fixed land installations. The technique used for chinese fishing nets is very different than that of ordinary fishing technique. The fishermen are supposed to maintain a proper balance while pulling out the net. The chinese fishing nets also form the main fishing accessory.