Thermometers play a vital role as these are used for measuring the temperature of the human body as it serves for the medical purpose. In scientific language thermometer is a device that measure temperature or temperature gradient which is used for a variety of different principles as it has two important elements which is known as temperature sensor and the value in simple language these elements are known as the bulb on a mercury thermometer and the scale on a mercury thermometer. These thermometers increasingly use electronic means for providing the digital display or which is an input to the computer. Mercury in glass thermometer is also known as mercury thermometers as the mercury is situated the glass itself and to increase the sensitivity there is a bulb of mercury at the end of the thermometer which contains most of the mercury.The application of this mercury thermometer is very much simple as and when the temperature increases mercury rises in the glass tube with which the rise in the mercury is determined according to the calibration. Mercury thermometer is generally encased with thick glass which consists a sensitive liquid metal and also these thermometers are marked with temperature readings which are called as fahrenheit or celsius scale. These devices are very commonly seen in medicines and meteorologists. The maximum mercury works in a similar way than that of standard thermometer.
Today many mercury thermometers are still widely used in metrology as these are becoming rare for the other uses as because of which today more countries utilizing this type of thermometer because of which it is very much in demand and have become popular. This type of thermometer is known for achieving optimum temperature which helps in obtaining accurate experimental results as it delivers best results which get totally immersed in liquids. Another type which resembles these mercury thermometers are mercury in steel type instruments which is considered to be most versatile and widely used devices which mainly cater for the industrial purpose.