Broadband Amplifiers, Manufacturers and Suppliers of Broadband Amplifiers, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier,Indian Exporters
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Broadband Amplifiers
Broadband Amplifiers

Broadband amplifiers are used to control an off-chip attenuator circuit at the input of the low noise amplifier. The attenuator regulates the input signal to a value that maintains high linearity for large signals. The wide range applications of these amplifiers include broadband catv distribution, car tv applications, and infrastructure applications. Some broadband amplifiers specially designed to be used for cable television receivers and cable modem applications. They are provided with single ended input, differential-output and low noise amplifier. They come in package with an exposed paddle and operate in extended temperature range.

The other versions of this type of amplifiers come with a rf input overdrive protection and a high load vswr protection with additional features like gain control, power leveling and forward and reflected power monitoring etc. These types of amplifiers have wide range applications in emc and wireless and communication components.

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Broadband Amplifiers, Manufacturers and Suppliers of Broadband Amplifiers, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters