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Microwave Detector
Microwave Detector

Microwave detector sends out a high frequency sound wave while listening for bounce back. This electronics part is available in different versions that includes indoor and outdoor motion detectors, photoelectric detector, control systems for burglary and fire alarm applications etc. Motion detectors reject false alarms caused by spot temperature changes such as small to medium sized animals, air conditioners, or moving curtains. Microwave/pir polling loop motion sensors offer unmatched level of operation with many advanced features. This telecommunication equipment is ideal for commercial applications where superior false alarm immunity is needed. They are designed to use with ademco control panels to support serial number pooling loop devices. Microwave sensors operate at different frequency ranges. They utilize a doppler radar signal, which bounces microwaves off to an object, and then measure the frequency of the returning microwaves. They offer greater distance of coverage. They can be placed behind any object as they can penetrate walls.

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Microwave Detector, Electronics Part, Telecommunication Equipment, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters