Detectors, Metal Detectors, Radar Detectors, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier,Indian Exporters
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To get perfect product unnecessary things is to be avoided. Detectors are the industrial products, which detect the presence of the metals in nonconductive metals like textiles, rubber sheets oils or liquids, powders, plastics, and wood products. Handheld detector is used detect guns, knives and bombs etc. An under water metal detectors are applied to locate metallic objects under water. Metal detectors are employed for pinpointing the metals in the pharmaceutical industries. These detectors are accurate, compatible and are of various shapes and sizes. Consumption of electricity and easy handling are some of the good qualities of an industrial detector. Today in almost all the fields the application of various type of detectors are found. The industry of the detector is on the rise as various industries compete with each other to produce finest and sophisticated product to impress upon the customers. The customers now have variety of choice to select from the products that come to the market. To serve various purposes detectors that include radar detectors, alcohol detector, gas detectors, radiation detectors, laser detectors, smoke detector and many more are available in the market.

Presenting portable flaw detectors from 3e corporation that offers wide variety of products in the ultrasonic category. They are: eecoscan ed1 - suitable for immersion, site, system or laboratory application, incorporating large microprocessor based ... Click here for more info
Company Name : 3e Corporation
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Presenting maxiflux electro-magnetic crack detectors in three varieties: portable, mobile and stationary. These detectors come in a wide variety of models. Ad 1200 p (portable) with current output of 1200 amps (ac/hwdc) ad 1500 p (portable) with curr ... Click here for more info
Company Name : 3e Corporation
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Magnafield manufactures magnaport 2000 wg, an electromagnet crack detector, specially designed for use as a mobile unit. It is mounted on a wagon with two sturdy rubber wheels and a v rest. The equipment is easily pushed around and manoeuvred into a ... Click here for more info
Company Name : Magnafield Controls
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Product Categories
Detectors, Water
Detectors, Combustible Gas
Detectors, Crane Over Load
Detectors, Ducts
Detectors, Gas
Detectors, Infrared
Detectors, Leak, Pin Hole
Detectors, Moisture
Detectors, Motion
Detectors, Phase
Detectors, Photoelectric
Detectors, Toxic Gas
Detectors, Tramp Metal
Detectors, Ultra Violet
Detectors, Ultrasonic

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Detectors, Metal Detectors, Radar Detectors, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters