Aircraft controls are collection of electronic and mechanical equipment that allows an aircraft to flow with exceptional precision and reliability. The main motion control system that performs movements are ailerons, elevators and rudder. Aircraft control surface is also responsible for all type of turning and twisting of the aircraft so that it rotates about the center of gravity. With a gentle push forward and backward on the control stick makes the aircraft ready to dive or climb to its destination. Aileron deflections are the aircraft part that are necessary for smooth coordinated turns and the combination of roll and yaw causes the aircraft to lean into turns. A light control system is also used to tell which control surface to move and by how much, based on the simple input of the pilot. Modern aircraft has some sophisticated type of technological innovation i.E. Hydraulic system that control surfaces by responding to control signals sent from a flight computer connected stick.
wide array of aircraft components are available in the market for the users to have advantage of it.