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Asbestos Products
Asbestos Products

A set of six naturally occurring silicate minerals which are exploited commercially thus for their desirable physical properties is known as asbestos. These started gaining importance and became famous and popular late in the 19th century. The types and the associated fibers are serpentine which is in white color and amphibole which is in blue and brown color. The types include asbestos cloth which is woven from top to asbestos yarn and clutch which face excellent fire and vermin proof. The fabric is used in india with many varieties of texture, thickness and also weight which suits the application very well.

Thus because of its qualities it can be woven and spun into fireproof garments. It was used to create fireproof protection for firefighters. It can also be used for spray application in the fireproof. Asbestos is widely used in the construction materials. It is included in the cement pieces, packing, jointing, gaskets, and floor and ceiling tiles. The list for the asbestos products includes various categories like building exteriors, flooring, ceilings, walls and service areas. The length of the fiber and the composition helps to determine the kind of the product which is made from the asbestos. The most common type in which the use of the asbestos is more is the asbestos cement products as these are used for anything like for roofing sheets, guttering and down pieces. These asbestos help to prevent the dispersion of the fibers.

Asbestos mill board is highly used in various industries and is very much known for industries like low thickness, low thermal conductivity and high rise temperature. The main use of asbestos is made for the purpose of products like mining, milling, processing and construction. It is found on various places like on ceiling tiles, sheetrock, automobiles, fake snow etc. The main use of these products are sound absorption, pipe insulation etc. Also asbestos paper makes use in daily life as well as it is used in table pads and also in beverage filters.

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Asbestos Products, Asbestos Items, Asbestos, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters