Hearing Protection Devices
The increasing levels of sound pollution has made hearing aid the most common problem faced by the people working at factories, frequent visitors to discos and pubs as well as most aged people. Looking at these number of people ranging from college going students, to the working class, all through to the aged section of the society, many manufacturers are coming up with specrtum types of hearing protection devices. Two common forms of these hearing protection against noise are earplugs and earmuffs. These are available over a range of applications, effectiveness and quality. However, both of these noise pollution control devices come into utilization only if the sound goes above 85 decibles. In certain cases, when hearing protection is required, then a complete hearing conservation program should be instituted. Such a hearing conservation program should include noise assessment, hearing protector selection, fit testing, employee training and education, details about electronic hearing protection as well as shooting hearing protection, maintenance, inspection, record keeping, and program evaluation.