Capstan Lathes And Turret Lathes - Manufacturers and Suppliers, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier,Indian Exporters
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Capstan Lathes And Turret Lathes
Capstan Lathes And Turret Lathes

Capstan lathes are designed for chuck work as well as collet work. Capstan lathe is ideal to perform multiple matching operations with high accuracy and superior surface finish. This simple design allows quick and easy setting of the machines. Capstan lathes are used in many industries for mass production of identical components.

Turret lathe is a lathe fitted with a turret head. It is a turning machine with horizontal spindle having a capstan or turret, instead of a simple tool post. Turret lathes are usually used in production or job shops for mass production or specialized parts. Turret lathes are of different types like vertical turret lathe, horizontal turret lathes.

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