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Phosphoric Acid
Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric acid, also popularly known as ortho phosphoric acid or phosphoric(v) acid, is colorless and viscous liquid that belongs to the inorganic acid family.

Phosphoric acid is a mineral (inorganic) acid having the chemical formula h3po4. Alternatively, orthophosphoric acid molecules can combine with themselves to form a variety of compounds referred to as phosphoric acids in a more general way. The term phosphoric acid can also refer to a chemical or reagent consisting of phosphoric acids, usually mostly orthophosphoric acid.

Due to its versatility, reliability and reliability, it is heavily applied in variety of industries. Phosphoric acid is generally available as a greenish liquid but is generally used as a component in a gel called naval gel.

Phosphoric acid is used by direct application to rusted iron and steel tools to convert rust into a water-soluble phosphate compound. If sufficiently diluted in water, this inorganic acid is helpful for the plant as it contains essential nutrients phosphorous and iron. Due to superb chemical properties, phosphoric acid is used to acidify foods and beverages such as various colas. In the agro-chemical industries this inorganic chemical is effectively used as it proves to be a low-cost chemical that is available in the market in bulk quantities. Another specialized use is the provision of local anesthesia and this phosphoric acid is effective in dentistry and in orthodontics as an etching solution to clean and roughen the surface of the teeth and even as a medication for nausea.

Phosphoric acid is used primarily in the manufacture of fertilizers, detergents, and pharmaceuticals. In the steel industry, it is used to clean and rustproof the product. It is also used as a flavoring agent in carbonated beverages like coca cola, beer, jams and jellies, and cheeses. In foods, phosphoric acid provides a tart, acidic flavor.

Most phosphoric acid is used in the production of fertilizers. Phosphorus is one of the elements essential for plant growth. Organic phosphates are the compounds, which provide the energy for most of the chemical reactions that occur in living cells. Therefore, enriching soils with phosphate fertilizers enhances plant growth.

Increasing the phosphate concentration in surface waters also enhances the growth of aquatic plant life. Run-off from fertilized farmlands can stimulate plant growth in lakes and streams. Wastewater that contains phosphate from detergents can have the same effect. Lakes that are rich in plant nutrients suffer from accelerated eutrophication. When the lush aquatic plant growth in a nutrient-rich lake dies, the decomposition of the dead plant material consumes dissolved oxygen. This consumption reduces the level of dissolved oxygen to a point where it is insufficient to support animal life. To reduce the threat of lake eutrophication, many localities have banned the use of phosphate in detergents. In some cases, the phosphate has been replaced by carbonates. In others, new detergents have been developed that do not react with the ca2+ and mg2+ ions of hard water.

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Phosphoric Acid, Phosphate , Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters