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Cnc Rotary Machine
Cnc Rotary Machine

Cnc rotary machines are offered with different stations, integral bar feed combines productivity, flexibility and fast changeover times. These machines are often come with a vertical axis etc. These machines also equipped with one or three-axis cnc machining units and attachments that increases its flexibility. They often use fixed-diameter turning heads that simply move to turn the part and then retract. They have multi-process attachments that enable the user to perform multiple operations on the part in one station when cycle time considerations permit. The non-rotating bar fed from the machine's integral automatic bundle bar loader/feeder into the working stations, where the slug is cut to the appropriate length by a circular saw. The cnc control in these machines help to incorporate a diagnostics program that helps plant personal identity and fix problems fast to keep downtime to a minimum.

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Cnc Rotary Machine, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters