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Trophies And Medals
Trophies And Medals

Trophies or a trophy is a reward which is presented to a person for his specific achievement and usually afterwards serves as a proof of merit and which is often awarded with the events which are related to sports field. These trophies are always awarded with certificate so that the person remembers the proud moment. Trophies are available in various sizes, shapes and in various materials like brass, gold, silver, glass etc. A trophy is considered to be an object of idolization and admiration as these trophies hold some sort of significance. Very recently, when india won the world cup the trophy was presented to the captain of the team for his and the entire teams excellence in the field of sports and for their achievements. Thus, the trophy signified as a reward for their effort. As there are various types of trophies available, of which the costlier ones are silver and gold. In addition, sports trophies are very famous among the types of trophies.

A medal or medallion is a circular object which is sculpted, molded, cast, struck etc and very much awarded to a person or to a organization as a form of recognition for athletics, military, scientific, medical, education and various other achievements. These medals can also be effectively created to commemorate individuals or events. There are also devotional medals, which are to be worn as a matter of religious faith. Many of the indian sportsperson achieved medals in 2010 for the commonwealth games event for their excellence and efforts, which were recognized and thus achieved it. Even in schools when children excel in the field of studies, sports, arts and crafts they are awarded with medals as to appreciate their hard work and their efforts.

Types of medals are gold, silver, bronze and copper which stand according to the credits like gold is given to the person who stands in first position, for second position silver medal is awarded and then so on. These medals hold lots of importance in the army filed as there are many medals which are shared by many military organizations.

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