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The distance between a painter and his muse is often that of a paintbrush and canvas. The term brush refers to devices with bristles, wire or other filaments, used for cleaning, grooming hair, make up making painting, deburring and other kinds of surface finishing, and for many other purposes. Artist's paintbrushes have been used for many centuries in the painting of works of art. Paintbrushes are used for applying ink or paint. Clamping the bristles to a handle with a ferrule usually makes these brushes. Short handled brushes are for watercolor or ink painting while the long handled brushes are for oil or acrylic paint.

Paintbrushes have different styles. Different styles of paintbrushes are used in order to render different textures and patterns to the painting. Styles of paintbrushes commonly seen are - round paintbrush, flat paintbrush, bright paintbrush, filbert brushes, fan brushes, angle brushes, mop brushes, rigger brush, sumi brush, hake brush and spotter brush. Artists' brushes are usually given numbered sizes, although there is no exact standard for their physical dimensions. From smallest to largest, the sizes are: 10/0, 7/0 (also written 0000000), 6/0, 5/0, 4/0, 000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30. Brushes as fine as 30/0 are manufactured by major companies, but are not a common size. Sizes 000 to 20 are most common. Types include: watercolor brushes which are usually made of sable, synthetic sable or nylon; oil painting brushes which are usually made of sable or bristle; and acrylic brushes which are almost entirely nylon or synthetic. Turpentine or thinners used in oil painting can destroy some types of synthetic brushes. However, innovations in synthetic bristle technology have produced solvent resistant synthetic bristles suitable for use in all media. Watercolorists, due to their superior ability to absorb and hold water, use bristles made of natural hair - squirrel, badger or sable.

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Brush , Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters