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Paper Cutters
Paper Cutters
Paper cutters and trimmers are widely used and can be found in most businesses, schools, churches and photo shops. As the name suggests, they are used to cut large volumes of paper to a desired size.

Paper trimmers are designed to cut small to moderate amounts of paper while paper cutters are designed to cut moderate to large volumes of paper. Many paper cutters are capable of cutting hundreds of papers at once. Hundreds of models of paper cutters and trimmers are available in the market today.

Paper cutters are often in use in photo frame shops, which cuts all weight of papers, lightweight card and photographs. These paper cutters or trimmers can ensure safe, straight and crisp cut. This stationery product has sharp stainless steel precision base that is attached with a ruler and measuring grid for accurate cuts. These cutters have a handle, which ensures safety while cutting the paper edge.

Other forms of paper cutters available in the market as heavy-duty cutter that has stainless steel blade channel and ratchet wheel blade-locking mechanism. This corporate supply is ideal for home, office and schools. Scissors are practical stationery items like knives, which are other form of hand held paper cutter. Even portable paper cutters and rotary trimmer is available in various shapes and sizes that serve greater utility value in homes and offices.

Beautifully crafted decorative paper cutters can also be put on the desk as showpiece. If you are tired of sitting behind loads of files in your somber office or all you see is the computer screen and lifeless papers, then it's time you make some changes! lovely carved decorative paper cutters will breath a new life and add colors to your trite office.

A quality paper cutter or paper trimmer gives any project the precision and professionalism it needs. Various types of paper cutters and trimmers include a guillotine paper cutter, rotary trimmer, corner rounder, electric paper cutter, business card cutter, paper scoring machine or perforator - form cutter.

A guillotine paper cutter is a manual machine. The user determines the proper sizing and makes cuts using the sharp, guillotine-like slicer. The cutting mechanism is usually quite sharp, allowing the cutter to go through many pieces of paper at one time. Some heavy-duty guillotine cutters can cut up to 800 sheets at once.

The electric paper cutters are much easier, as the cuts can be made with just a push of a button. The electric paper cutters are significantly more expensive than the manual cutters, but they are efficient and user-friendly. They are most appropriate in environments that go through large volumes of paper daily--such as an educational institution.

For smaller volumes of paper, trimmers are often ideal. Trimmers are similar to the paper cutters, but are meant to make smaller cuts. Paper trimmers are useful for home offices or hobbyists, since they can also be used to cut a variety of materials, including felt and cloth.

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Paper Cutters, Trimmers , Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters