Thin layer chromatograph is the analytical instrument used in the analysis of chemical compounds. This chromatograph is similar to that of other chromatographs but thin layer chromatograph runs faster and can separate better. This analytical scientific instrument come in different configurations and can analyze multiple tests simultaneously with a great speed. In organic chemistry and in chemical reaction monitoring this instrument is heavily applied because of its simplicity, speed and for qualitative analysis of reaction products. This instrument is densely used in the food industries for the detection of pesticides and insecticides. In forensics this thin layer chromatograph is ideal for analysis of dye composition of fibers. This scientific laboratory equipment finds which pigment a plant contains by taking extracts of the plant cellulose. In the pharmaceutical industries thin layer chromatograph is effective for the chemical study during the preparation of drugs. Thin layer chromatograph can come with ionization flame detector that can be helpful in the analysis of bituminous.