Beta - Gamma Analyzers, Environmental Testing Equipment, Radiation Meter, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier,Indian Exporters
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Beta - Gamma Analyzers
Beta - Gamma Analyzers
Beta rays are more penetrating than alpha rays but gamma rays, the most penetrating form of radiation, can cause radiation related health hazards, is traced by the effective application of beta-gamma counters. Beta-gamma, the, is the environmental testing equipment that can furnish report of environmental radiation; can even check the presence of radon on the households. Nuclear power plant often effectively applies this testing equipment to trace the presence or radiation and can identify the leak in the nuclear power plants. The presence of radioactive contamination in the food like prawn and for the checking of various materials that includes bricks, stones and steels that are contaminated with radioactive materials, either due to man made waste being added or naturally occurring minerals this frequency counter is applied. For the purpose of experiment and research for the development in the field of nuclear science this radioactive detector is very effective. Due to the development of science many industries try to harness the latent power of nuclear and the demand for the radiation meter is also relatively increasing.

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Beta - Gamma Analyzers, Environmental Testing Equipment, Radiation Meter, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters