Geological instrument, a measuring instrument for the identification of various measurements that includes the measurement of the resistivity of porous material, physical measurements like material unit density and unit moisture content. Seismographs, the measuring equipment, is generally used for the detection of earthquakes, protem receiver are applied in the geological exploration of the fresh water and detecting groundwater contaminant plumes. Ground penetrating radar that is also a geophysical equipment applied in the mining and in quarrying. Geotechnical instrument that includes gpr reflection apparatus is applied for the determination of the presence of limestone in the rocks, for the detection of the shallow geological structure and soil stratigraphy, for locating drainage pipes for any under groundwork and for other applications this geotechnical measuring gauge is necessary. Various hydrological apparatus are available in the market for the detection, contamination eradication and water exploration. For research and development study this geological measuring gauge is densely used and are reliable for all types of related applications.