Gravimeter, Measuring Equipment, Measuring Meter, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier,Indian Exporters
Information on wholesale Gravimeter products and manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of Gravimeter products, Indian products from India
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Gravimeter, an instrument that measures the acceleration due to gravity and the change in the gravitational field between two points. Gravimeter is effective in the measurement of extraterrestrial gravity for research and development purposes that improves absolute gravity measurements in both dynamic and static applications. Astronauts who set out for different extraterrestrial studies including the gravity measurement of various locations and the landing areas apply, this measuring equipment to obtain information about the geological structure. Besides this, this measuring equipment is used to obtain the value of gravity at the landing site relative to an accurate known value of earth. This gravimeter is suitable in the field of gravity recovery and climate experiment to obtain accurate global and high-resolution confirmation of the static and time-variable components of the earth's gravity field. In the satellite system communications the effective application of this measuring meter is done. This measuring meter helps in detecting the global climatic change, measuring changes in sea-floor pressure and in monitoring the changes in the storage of water in the sea.

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Gravimeter, Measuring Equipment, Measuring Meter, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters