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Grain Dryers
Grain Dryers

Crops, grains and pulses all these things cater to only one product which is agriculture. The common name for grains is food grains which are very much used in agriculture as they are harvest and then transported. Grain dryers are widely used for drying crops like paddy, wheat and other crops as well. These dryers are used in the rice mills, floor mills and also in brewery. These dryers make use of thermal treatment and optimum performance on the drying technology. As farmers find it difficult to dry crops like maize, paddy, groundnuts the invention of these dryers have been introduced to reduce the burden of the farmers and also to have quick drying facility for these grains. This grain dryer is mainly used for drying two main crops which are corn and soya bean and is very much expensive equipment piece.

Without these grain dryers and also with the proper advancements in the technology harvesting season for the farmers would not be possible. The crop is loaded into the grain dryer with the help of a grain auger. These grain dryers are largely used for the farming operations. Thus these machines have made a mark for having harvesting season much longer for the farmers. Grain dryers have resulted for the better profits and also farmers are using it now days.

These grain dryers have the capacity and capability to run on chemicals like kerosene, steam and biomass. Wood and husks are the other material on which these grain dryers. The types of grain dryers are biomass grain dryers which have environmental and effective energy control on these grains as these are ensured by indirect heat. The salient features of these grain dryers are it is holed up with the high performance and also has low maintenance work. Grain dryers are easy in shipping and system expansion due to its modular design. It also has the adjustable cooling which easily converts the heated ones.

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Grain Dryers, Dryers, Grains, Indian Manufacturer, Indian Supplier, Indian Exporters